1: Fair skin. You easily burn in the sun. You likely wear the lightest shade in other brands, or often find shades appear too dark. 

2: Fair to light skin. You may burn with initial sun exposure. You are likely the lightest or second lightest shade in other lines.

3: Light skin. You can build a tan with regular exposure, but may initially burn. Perhaps you wear the second or third shade in most other lines.

4: Light-medium skin, rarely burn, and tan well. If you often fall in between light and medium shades depending on the season, you’ll find a match in here.

5: True medium skin. You tan easily and never burn. You’re the inspiration behind the term “bronze goddess.” 

6: Medium to deep. While your skin may deepen with sun exposure, you don't ever burn.

7: Deep. You are likely the deepest or next-to-deepest shade in other foundation lines.

8 and 9: Though you may have had trouble finding a deep enough shade in the past, those days are behind you. This selection of deeply pigmented shades are formulated to match your rich skin tone.

Still looking for your match? Find it using our guide & Find Your Undertone blog post.