Expanded Horizons

I have always been enchanted by horizons. As a tiny child my horizon included distant wheat fields under the Montana sky, broad views of the Sweet Grass Hills from the seat of my grandpa’s pickup, and endless expanses of drifting snow. Later it was the shimmering greens and grays of San Francisco Bay with the city shrouded in fog and the moody Pacific beyond. Wherever I was, perhaps because of those early years, the sense of expansiveness and possibility that comes from seeing distant horizons has nourished my sense of well being. I love New York, but I need wide open spaces. In those vast spaces I find myself and see my dreams almost as if they were palpable. I remember what I am about, what matters, where my next step should be.

One of the joys of summer is stepping out of our normal routines and focusing on our horizons as well as our paths. We recalibrate and rethink. We spend time with people we love. We remember our larger selves.

Our current Instagram contest is much more than a contest to me. It is a way for us to connect, and to share how we interpret growth this summer. As I go through each entry, I am enlightened by each and every one of you, and thank you for your beautiful contributions.

May your summer be filled with joy and the promise of expanded horizons.